Quarry Wood, West Farleigh |
Show Quarry Wood, West Farleigh on the Map >> Grid Reference: TQ721520 This old quarry is extremely important for the study of the causes and diagnostic features of slope failure and is the only viable site in Kent for the serious study of cambering. This is especially true since the SSSI at Spot Lane (Bearsted), which purported to show similar features, is now completely overgrown. The site is an old, abandoned and partly overgrown quarry located in a newly designated Nature Reserve. Typical Kentish Rag and Hassock lithology is exposed; hard, sandy limestone with some silicified horizons and softer glauconitic marls; fossiliferous and highly bioturbated. There is excellent evidence of cambering: increase in dip to west, vertical jointing and gulls. A good topographic expression is best seen from an adjacent orchard outside of the boundary of the Nature Reserve. Cambers are inclined towards the north west trending minor tributary (spring) of the River Medway eroded into Atherfield Clay. The site is rather overgrown at the moment making it unsuitable for school children and large groups. However, Kent Wildlife Trust are keeping some of the paths open and the old quarry could be important for the trust in diversification of scientific interests. The site is formed of the same rocks as those in which the Iguanodon fossil remains were found in Bensted's Quarry, Maidstone. Access And SafetyPermission for access should be sought from the Kent Wildlife Trust. No off-road parking is available. Access to the site car park should be requested from the Trust. |
(Regionally Important Geological Sites)
RIGS are geological sites that are important for historical, scientific research or educational reasons.
(Sites of Special Scientific Interest)
SSSIs give legal protection to the best sites for wildlife and geology in England.