Aylesford Pit SSSI |
Show Aylesford Pit SSSI on the Map >> Grid Reference: TQ730594 This pit, which dates back over a century, provides excellent exposures of fossiliferous Medway Terrace deposits overlying (Cretaceous) Folkestone Beds. In addition to numerous mammalian bones, the site has also yielded a wealth of Paleolithic artefacts. Although well known, and often visited, its geographical isolation has made precise correllation with the main Thames sequence uncertain. The remaining exposures at this, the most important Medway Pleistocene site, will continue to be of major interest and significance. [See also the Aylesford Pit and Wagon's Pit RIGS.] For more information on this SSSI site visit the English Nature website. |
(Regionally Important Geological Sites)
RIGS are geological sites that are important for historical, scientific research or educational reasons.
(Sites of Special Scientific Interest)
SSSIs give legal protection to the best sites for wildlife and geology in England.