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Grid Reference: TQ535520

Hubbard's Hill is important for Quaternary periglacial deposits and landforms, particularly solufluction features.

The earliest and most extensive of the solifluction deposits at Hubbard's Hill are probably Wolstonian in age (around 130,000 years BP). They are now highly disected but their former extent and volume imply considerable periglacial erosion of the Lower Greensand escarpment. The youngest deposits form a series of prominent lobes overlying a fossil soil. The latter has a radiocarbon age of 12,500 years BP, so that the lobes must have formed during the late Devensian Stadial (last glaciation).

This suite of landforms can be accurately dated and forms some of the largest and best preserved solifluction lobes of late Devensian Stadial age in lowland England.

Hubbard's Hill is therefore a particularly important locality for the study of periglacial erosion processes affecting southern England during the Quaternary.

For more information on this SSSI site visit the English Nature website.


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