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RIGS Information PDF Print

RIGS are geological sites that are important for historical, scientific research or educational reasons. The Kent RIGS Group, English Nature and Local Authorities work together to protect and maintain them for these purposes.

They are NOT designated fossil or mineral collecting sites.

Before viewing the details of RIGS you should accept a 'Code of Conduct" for their protection:

  • Notification of a site as a RIGS confers no public right of entry to any land without the permission of the landowner.
  • When field trips are organised to privately-owned sites, participation will only be by agreement with an appointed field trip leader whose instructions must be obeyed at all times. Failure to do so may bar a person from participating in future trips.
  • Where there is general public access to the site, hammering of rock faces is not permitted unless specific permission is given to do so. Collecting must be confined to scree at the foot of exposures.
  • The RIGS descriptions provided in this website are derived from the site survey reports.


RIGS in Kent


(Regionally Important Geological Sites) 

RIGS are geological sites that are important for historical, scientific research or educational reasons.

Important information about visiting RIGS >>

SSSI’s in Kent 

sssi(Sites of Special Scientific Interest) 

SSSIs give legal protection to the best sites for wildlife and geology in England. 

Important information about visiting SSSI's >>